This is an NRA class that is 8 hours long. It includes range time and 100 rounds of ammo. You learn how to shoot from cover in various situations.
Short Description: Teaches the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude essential to the safe and efficient use of a handgun for protection of self and family, and to provide information on the law-abiding individual’s right to self-defense.
More Details: This is an eight-hour course. Students should expect to shoot approximately 100 rounds of ammunition. Students will learn basic defensive shooting skills, strategies for home safety and responding to a violent confrontation, firearms and the law, how to choose a handgun for self-defense, and continued opportunities for skill development. Students will receive the NRA Guide to the Basics of Personal Protection In The Home handbook, NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure, the Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification booklet, and course completion certificate.
This NRA Basic Personal Protection In The Home course is for law-abiding adult citizens, as defined by applicable federal, state, or local law, and experienced shooters. Because this class is not for inexperienced shooters you need to be extremely familiar with your firearm and be able to shoot a 6″ group at 10 yards. A current NC Conceal Carry Permit or evidence you have applied for a Conceal Carry Permit that is pending is also required. If you have any questions concerning the requirements you can send me an email with your questions.