With these classes if you don’t have a pistol I can supply one along with ammunition. If you own a pistol we will work with your handgun. After some basic lessons I can recommend a pistol for you based on your abilities and needs. I offer three different classes for entry level pistol shooting. If you are looking at taking a conceal carry class and have limited experience shooting handguns I strongly recommend you take one of these classes so you will learn how to shoot a handgun which will assist you in passing the shooting qualification part of the conceal carry class.
The NRA offers two options for this class.
Option #1 is the two phase blended training NRA course. Phase 1 is conducted in an eLearning environment (online) by going to https://www.nraonlinetraining.org, click on “Find a Course”, click on “NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting Blended”, then take the on-line Phase 1 part of the class. At that time you can then take the NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting Phase 2. Phase 1 must be completed before you can take Phase 2. Phase 1 covers gun safety rules, types of pistols, understanding a revolver and semi-automatic pistol, ammunition, the fundamentals of pistol shooting, shooting positions, pistol shooting errors, clearing pistol stoppages, cleaning and maintenance and maintaining your skills. After you complete Phase 1, you will be ready to take Phase 2 which is about 5 hours long. Phase 2 covers a brief safety review, range rules and range commands. Students then learn how to load, cock, de-cock and unload the three basic handguns before going to the range to shoot a handgun.
Option #2 is to take the NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting ILT Class. The entire class is conducted by me and includes classroom time and shooting range time. The class is an 8 hour class.
This class is offered two ways. The first is for people who are going to take the conceal carry class and pass the required shooting part of the class but don’t know how to accurately shoot a handgun to pass the test. To be eligible for this class the student must also take their conceal carry class from me. I strongly recommend this class for those of you that do not know how to properly and accurately shoot a handgun if you plan on taking a conceal carry class.
The second class is open to anyone with none to limited exposure to shooting a semi-auto pistol.
Both classes are about 4 hours long, split between the classroom and the range. Students learn the difference between revolvers and semi-automatic pistols. Students learn the NRA’s rules for safe gun handling; pistol parts and operation; ammunition; shooting fundamentals; range rules and how to shoot from the two handed standing position.
I supply everything except eye protection. If you have a handgun you wish to shoot then you can bring it.